this is where i put my annoying problems i am dealing with while making this site. jeez i hate this sometimes

this website was created on 09/19/2024 btw

09/20/2024 - my FONT WONT UPDATE!!!!!! i have been waiting for several minutes now, waiting to see if i made a mistake or not, because for whatever reason when i update the css of my site it takes forever to register and actually change the website. maybe this is why i used to prefer just putting everything in my html file. also tell me why the font updated on my miku shrine but not on my main pages even tho i did the exact same thing for both html and css pages??? jesusssssssssss

10/02/2024 - PUTTING THIS HERE 2 REMIND MYSELF and to help others: little mood icon is from, status thingy was made with, however if ur account was made this year you will be unable to add it to your page normally, use this tutorial

10/03/2024 - added some webrings and three of my tamanotchis to my landing page and it's starting to look somewhat decent. i also added my sona to my homepage, which i think also made it look better and less like just three lines of text floating in the void

10/14/2024 - added an interesting page to my website. good luck finding it, brave soldiers (hint: homepage. however, there's several things linked there. have fun figuring out what i'm talking about.)

10/15/2024 - added some buttons to other people's sites that i really enjoy to the index as a marquee. going to attempt to do that thing where if you hover over it, it pauses. not sure if i'll be able to figure that out though. i hope its a simple html thing. anyway i really really do love those sites. ninaction's lab and wygol village were two of the sites that inspired me to make my own, and melonland was another huge motivator.

10/16/2024 - added some blinkies to my about me page, mostly from no follow (i love that game. go checkit out NOW). also added my own site buttons?badges? to the homepage yesterday but forgot to mention it. they aren't very good, i need to make a better one when i have the time. also created a blog page. and also learned how to make:

these things!!!!!

i almost went on the melonland forum to ask how to make these, but i had no idea what they were called, i tried to find them on w3 schools but again didnt know what to look up, so i went through some sites to see if i could find one to take the code from. i think they're called details and they are my favorite thing ever. to make one you basically get your <> <> and put details and /details. sandwiched between those you put your <> <> summary and /summary, which is where you'd put the thing you want to show up next to the arrow before clicking. after the summary tags but still inside details you put the thing you would wanna include. currently unsure whether it has to be inside of p tags.